fat loss

3 Healthy Habits to question (and actually get healthier)

If you know anything about me and how I coach fat loss, you know I love mindset but I’m also not afraid of numbers. I’m totally fine getting formulaic with calories and macros and deficits  in a world where “just listen to your body” is all the rage. And it’s an awesome protocol, btw. YES!… you should

3 Healthy Habits to question (and actually get healthier) Read More »

Are You Addicted to False Progress? – That 600 calorie diet says you are.

Our fascination with the scale is broken. Or better said… it has broken us. On a regular basis this machine inspires moods and actions filled with anxiety, despair, hatred, disgust, and impatience.  The very last thing we think about when we consider weight is that it’s simply the force on an object due to gravity.

Are You Addicted to False Progress? – That 600 calorie diet says you are. Read More »

10 Holiday Food Rules (that you don’t eat like a rabbit or kill your bikini dreams)

Pet Peeve:  I am going to start my diet AFTER ___________ (insert any holiday of the year.) Have you looked at a calendar lately? There’s a candy/food holiday or celebration AT LEAST once per month. Add in birthdays, showers, weddings, sporting event celebrations, GNO, vacations, and work events and you are LUCKY to ever find

10 Holiday Food Rules (that you don’t eat like a rabbit or kill your bikini dreams) Read More »