A huge reason why people walk into Sweat and decide we are the right place for them has to do with one word, INTENSITY.
And, as we define it, INTENSITY is a conscious decision to meet a challenge, to your fullest capability, despite obvious discomfort.
Which means REAL INTENSITY is hard as hell to do at home, alone, with no accountability, and then to repeat it consistently enough to create change.
Equally as difficult is to program for yourself movements that you are acutely aware are difficult to perform and execute.
That’s not because you are weak in mind and spirit but because intensity doesn’t feel good in the moment. It down right sucks at times so it’s counter intuitive to choose a high level of intensity and stick with it from beginning to end.
However, in class, when you look around and notice that others are enduring what you are considering to quit, it switches your mindset from mindless maintenance mode and into I’ve got what it takes. I’m capable of more. I’m ready to endure because I’m in the pursuit of better.
And while we, at Sweat, embrace wholeheartedly the many different fitness levels that will naturally exist within a class setting, INTENSITY creates the same physiological effects for everyone, rookie or pro, and that’s pure sweat.
The challenge of HEAVY and/or FAST, makes your heart rate go up and makes your muscles burn. That heat from your body means your body is now taxed with the need to cool itself off. Sweat is your BIO FEEDBACK that you’re not just moving but are working out and kicking ass.
(See, I don’t just hate to open the doors and let cold winter air in b/c I’m cold natured. Opening the doors in the winter or keeping it too cool inside takes away the crazy important feedback you need to have in order INTENSITY UP to your max level! I literally witness your ability to work hard drop within the first 2 minutes.)
Way to DIG DEEP this week, btw.
My phone was littered with examples of hard work so I chose a few of my favorites for you to check out and share. I love to post our classes on Facebook and Instagram so make sure you check us out there too!!!!