
Pool Snack Stacking

When I think of pool life, I fantasize of a really relaxed couple of hours with my kids and friends. However, #realmomlife talk here… The 45 minutes leading up to the pool and the 45 min breakdown can sometimes make going to the pool more work than it’s worth. Bathing suits, lotions, noodles, water guns, bubbles, […]

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We Catch What We Watch – Food tracking that isn’t insane

We catch what we watch… plain and simple. There are about a bazillion food tracking apps for that very reason… because in THEORY monitoring your meals makes food management easier. If done correctly food tracking brings self awareness, knowledge, accountability, and reduces analysis paralysis about what to eat later in the day. Those are all HUGE wins

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Canned green beans and french fries…the advice fit pros forget about

Can we just go back to making reality Instagram-able, Snap Chat-able, and Facebook-able again??? Honestly, I believe the fitness industry has hit a point where it’s got to become much more transparent to actually be of any help to people. There is POWER IN THE ORDINARY and we’ve got to get back to those basics!!!! Simplicity

Canned green beans and french fries…the advice fit pros forget about Read More »