There are only 8 weeks left before we leave 2014 and enter into a brand new year. Without a doubt, THIS is the season many fall off the fitness wagon and end up making December the “fattest month of the year.” Weight gain sky rockets during the holidays and while we understand why this happens, we won’t let this happen without a fight!
We want to REVIVE your 2014 New Year Resolutions and make sure you greet 2015 feeling great about who you are and what you have already accomplished!
Mark your calendars because the 7 Deadly Sins of Fitness Challenge begins on Monday and will take you through almost until the end of the year! You will get a new food challenge each week to TACKLE and STACK so that in 7 weeks you are eating as if bikini season was right around the corner. We know there will be a few, worthy occasions where you will not and should not adhere to the challenges but your goal is to get right back on track the next day after those cheats are over.
In addition, you will be given a simple, no equipment workout to do at home or at Sweat. We expect you to do this workout once a week and to keep track of your total reps. Each week your goal is to beat your previous rep count. Don’t cheat yourself by breaking form either! Push to fail and rest for success.
Check your inboxes this weekend and Facebook for more details and updates.
Get your friends together, commit, and share. Let’s do this!
Nov. 3- Sloth
Nov. 10- Envy
Nov. 17- Wrath
Nov. 24- Gluttony
Dec. 1- Lust
Dec. 8- Pride
Dec. 15- Greed