Week 3- WRATH #7DeadlySins

“What someone else thinks of YOU is NOT YOUR BUSINESS NOR YOUR PROBLEM to solve!”

#WRATH is an intense feeling of anger or can take on the form of vengeance. In relation to fitness and health, I see both rage and revenge through food quite often.  Many times it’s due to the LASTING EFFECTS of another persons judgement on their physical or emotional self.  People seeking comfort and fullness, not from the gifts of life, but from the taste of food.  Other times people look to release resentment, not through reflection and meditation but from junk food.   Sugar comas provide temporary numbness from pain and binges can induce feelings of empowerment by impulsivity.  Food is a way of coping with wrath.

To address wrath properly let me go ahead and say, to FEEL RAGE IS HUMAN.  I don’t expect anyone to walk away unscathed by painful words.  With that said, this blog post is not about HOW NOT feel wrath but HOW NOT TO INVITE wrath into your lives.  This post is about our ERRONEOUS BELIEF that we NEED TO KNOW, HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW, and MUST WORK TO CHANGE what others believe to be true about us.

Bluntly stated, “What someone else thinks of YOU is NOT YOUR BUSINESS NOR YOUR PROBLEM to solve!”  Be aware that your desire to be “in the know” or to have influence over how others assess your actions, appearances, beliefs, and decisions is a reflection of your own insecurity more than anything else.  You are taking valuable time and energy towards changing unimportant and useless knowledge.  If you strive to live ethically and value the intangible richnesses of this world first, then how another person interprets you carries NO VALUE.  It is for that reason that in these instances IGNORANCE IS NOT ONLY BLISS BUT needs to be MANDATORY so that you are in better control of keeping wrath out of your heart.

This week I want all of you to pay particular attention to the things that you ALLOW to influence the levels of happiness you experience throughout each day.  Make it a point not participate in verbal conversations or written threads where others are giving you information about how others view you or how others view those you know.  Walk away, check out mentally, hit the “unfollow” button on FB, or keep scrolling the screen.  Wrath is no match for silence.

 #7Deadly Sins Fitness Challenge

 1.  Benchmark-

Once again, expect all our Monday classes to begin w/ our Benchmark workout.  Worry about YOUR numbers and YOUR form.  What some else is or is not doing is no reflection on YOU.


Your 3 MOST IMPACTFUL fat loss tools are water, protein, and fiber.  As of this week we will have hit you in some way shape or form with EACH.  Feeling full at all your meals should come from whatever combination of these three make you feel energized, satiated, and satisfied.  Fats and starchy carbohydrates (think breads, beans, rice and potatoes here) are all ALSO essential and ABSOLUTELY can be present at your meals but ARE NOT to be the stars of the show.  Fats and starchy carbs add richness to your meal but it’s the commitment to the ADJUSTMENTS in the amounts of water, protein, and high fiber/low sugar foods in your meals that will have the BIGGEST impact on how fast you lean out.
SOME Examples of low starch/high fiber fruits and veggies
fruits:  apples, pears, berries, citrus, cucumber, tomatoes
veggies: ALL leafy green veggies, celery, peppers, green beans, jicama, zucchini, summer squash
I want all of you to at least pick EITHER BREAKFAST or LUNCH and commit to adding OR adding more of these foods.  How much more?  As much as you need to feel satiated and energized!  I guarantee you if you are carrying more weight than you’d like these days it’s NOT because of an excess of any of these foods.  Go to town on your low starch, high fiber foods!!!!  This week I promise to show you my standard amount and I’m betting you’ll be surprised just how much I eat!
If you already do a green smoothie or veggie frittata for breakfast then work with your lunch.  If you already love a large salad at lunch then work towards seeing a rainbow at breakfast.  Ideally, I’d like everyone to have a big pile of veggies for their 3 main meals but most everyone’s habits are to wait until the MOST OBVIOUS way to get veggies in, dinner time.  Once again, those evening binges will be reduced and tamed if you step out of your comfort zone to discover how low starchy/high fiber sources will satiate hunger, keep you energized, reduce cravings, and in turn kick you into fat loss gear!!
3.  Activity- REAL recovery!
Without a doubt I can say that those who come to Sweat, love to sweat!  I have a harder time getting all of you to slow down vs. amp up. It’s a good problem to have but recovery is also a huge factor in fat loss.  For all of you who have not needed the Week 1 and Week 2 activity challenge because you are at Sweat 4-6 times a week, this challenge is specifically designed FOR YOU!!!
Recovery!!  Humor me…at least once this week (or more if you can) do any of the 6 activities below.  Take note of how you feel? Take note of any change in your level of intensity on the days you workout because you took time to recover.  By the end of our 7 weeks, you should definitely experience a positive shift in mood and your ability to handle stress.
And if you think that rest will equate to adding fat to your body, science proves you wrong.  However, rather than cite research, I can SHOW YOU first hand this week a friend whom I’ve worked with since Sweat practically opened.  She has leaned out because I finally convinced her to TAKE RECOVERY SERIOUSLY.  Overtraining will put your body in a state where it will not burn fat!!
What does REAL RECOVERY look like?
1.  Yoga for Athletes w/ Karen Doehrman, Sundays at 4:15pm
2.  30 min Epsom Salt Bath- NO PHONE ALLOWED!
3.  30 min walk- NO PHONE ALLOWED!
4.  sleep in!!
5.  get a massage
6.  20 min foam rolling
I can already see those of you who are hard core rolling your eyes at me but you can find at least 30 min this week to take on this challenge.  No excuses, right?