The number one way to make working out a habit is to absolutely LOVE the way you move. You have to look forward to the physical and mental challenge and ENJOY how that workout gives right back to your body and soul!
It’s one of our main focuses at Sweat… so we are kicking off February with Love Your Workout Week, a brand new workout schedule (check your inboxes), TRX Yoga, and another special event Champagne and Chaturanga on Valentine’s Day!
Make sure to open your SweatHuntsville email this week not only for full details, the scoop on our $14 drop-in sale, but also a sneaky way to earn bonus points for that coveted lululemon gift card for our #loveyourworkout Facebook picture contest.
Every morning for the next 7 days at 7:45 our Facebook page will have full instructions on how to feature our #loveyourworkout theme of the day and win a $20 gift card provided to you by lululemon athletica Huntsville!! You DO NOT have to be a Sweat member to win BUT you must be Huntsville/Madison resident.
Those on the email list have a sneak peek at the whole week plus an extra way to get bonus points, but to make sure that everyone is ready to roll for tomorrow here’s a peek at Monday—
Monday, Feb 1 Theme: #loveyourworkout GEAR
You know that workout outfit that makes you feel like you can conquer the world… the one that makes you feel totally badass… your “I’m about to own this workout” gear is what we want to see. It can be ANY particular brand but if it’s lululemon you should totally give our local store some Facebook love and tag them too!! You can find their handle- @lululemonHuntsville.
1. Post a picture with you in your favorite workout outfit
2. Tag us… our handle can be found like this: @SweatHuntsville
3. Use the hashtag #loveyourworkout
4. How you pose and anything you choose to say beyond that is simply bonus points in your quest to snag that lululemon gift card. Goofy, sweaty, fierce, sexy, and/or strong…we LOVE it all!!
FEBRUARY WORKOUT SCHEDULE is completely different!!!!- check your inboxes!!